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How it all began

Petco SRL has a history going back 18 years, but in those 18 years the company's vision has never changed: to deliver every shipment on time and reliably.
Petco SRL was founded in 1999 and has been in the transport business since 2005. Since 2007, the company's priority has been transport between the Scandinavian countries and Romania. Since 2020, the company has increased the number of its freight forwarding partners, as it has more orders than own cars, increasing its capacity and turnover.

Where we are today & our future

Currently, the company owns 12 semi-trailer truck, although that number is continuously growing. These are supplemented by a further 30 partner trucks working on a weekly basis. We have 17 employees, and we keep improving the level of our services through further development.
We have just started construction of our new headquarter, where we will increase the efficiency and number of our transports with the help of a collection warehouse.

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